Life After Miller Fisher Syndrome

One of the most common questions we receive through the contact forms on this website is: My recovery is very slow, will I ever recover?

The fact is most people do recover without any further or very few problems however it takes time. A lot of patience and a positive mental attitude is needed from both the sufferer and their family.

Bojan contracted Miller Fisher late in 2011.

After 6 months he wrote to us with great news to say he was "back to normal".

"Back to normal" for Bojan meant that in 2012 he was able to resume his passion for racing motor bikes!!

Recovery after Miller Fisher

Bojan's message is:
Don't lose hope and never give up! It can only get better!

Bojan racing his Suzuki after MFS

If you haven't read Bojan's story...
click here »

Motor bike racing after MFS